Things the Education System and Mass Media Don’t Tell You

The real world rulers own and control the major corporations (weapons, gold, drugs, oil… ) and the banks. They have a secret worldwide agenda that doesn’t involve having our best interests at heart as we-the-people. The senior politicians; presidents and prime ministers… etc ultimately do not serve we-the-people but are there to do the deeds needed for this secret worldwide agenda dictated to them by their lords and masters the elite world rulers.If the people at large knew this, then because of its unpopularity they would revolt and eventually overwhelm the world rulers and their associate politicians in numbers. So, to cover up the truth, to avoid getting found out, that the worldwide agenda is a secret enslavement plan and to successfully implement it, the world rulers have to control just about every subject under the sun.This grand deception relies greatly on influencing the consensus of the masses through the manipulation of 2 subject areas: The mass media and education system. Both are controlled by the world rulers. In these areas people’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes and social behaviours… have been manipulated through various organisations funded by the world rulers to produce the desired behavioural effects in order to advance the worldwide agenda. Most people at large have been so well manipulated into obedience or compliance they have no idea that this is going on.The world rulers just want you to fit into their boxes and be compliant. There are 3 boxes: Box 1 comprises children and young people receiving education. Box 2 is the working age group, while box 3 is made up of retirees. Because box 3 is unproductive, not serving the corporate/banker worldwide agenda, then the world rulers do not want this group: They have plans to make it more and more difficult for retirees to survive and be self-sufficient…However, having said all that, people are slowly but surely waking up and realising what’s going on. That the education and media systems have been controlled and manipulated with all its lies, deceptions and cover-ups to produce the desired behavioural effects in the masses for an enslavement agenda.Given the realization that we-the-people at large are being screwed what can we do about it? If you’ve looked at the websites with their authors, reiterating what I’ve been writing about here in this article then what are YOU going to do about it? How could you ground this information and its implications into your reality, to produce a turn around and make something wonderful happen?The crux of the matter is that we have come to a fork in the road: Humanity has to choose VHS over the Betamax option: That is, we must choose freedom over slavery or face dire consequences.